Monday, December 31, 2007

Welcome 2008!


Happy New Year everybody!

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Oh no!

Oh no! This blog needs some serious attention from me! I hope I can decide the theme for this blog. My sister S gave me an idea. So I might be going for that next year. Let's see what will happen.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas!


Friday, December 07, 2007


The 7th World Bazaar Festival
December 6-16, 2007
At the World Trade Center, Metro Manila

12nn ~ 10pm = Mon to Thrus
10am ~ 12mn = Fri to Sun

Visit us @ booth 2012.

See you there!

Thursday, December 06, 2007

This so called Life

I attended a wake last night after work. I was teary-eyed upon looking at the mother of the child. Yes, our 4-year-old neighbor died yesterday morning. I was feeling very sad and sorry for the mother. Her eyes were already red from crying. I can't imagine how she's feeling at that very moment. As we talked on what had happened, I sense that they accepted the fact that her son was already gone and they did everything they could do to save him.

This reminds me that life is one of the precious things we have. We should live our lives to the fullest because we can never take back this life once it's gone. But what does life really means? Where does it come from? It is the soul that brings this earthly body to life? It's really a mystery to me and I think it will take me life time to understand it.

As I pray for the boy's soul to go to heaven, I realized something very important. I realized how important this so called life to me. That I should cherish every moment in my life and never let any chance and opportunity pass me by.

It's time to be happy. Let's celebrate life to the fullest.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

World Bazaar Festival

The 7th World Bazaar Festival
December 6-16, 2007
At the World Trade Center, Metro Manila
12nn ~ 10pm = Mon to Thrus
10am ~ 12mn = Fri to Sun
Visit us @ booth 2012.
See you there!

I love cake!

Oh how I love cakes! Me and my friends ate at Conti's yesterday. We really had fun talking and chatting up with our lives. Oh about the cake! It's a frozen mango cake, their specialty. Hope you can go there and try one their famous cakes!

* Banana Frozen cake *

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

New start

Okay okay! I'm gonna really start this blog as my personal journal. I haven't got any official theme yet but I have a domain name in mine. I already asked for the free web hosting and hopefully nobody will get the domain name I want. This will be a new start for me and I'll try to update this journal everyday.

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