Tuesday, March 04, 2008


We welcomed a new zitros member last November 8, 2007 and she's Wilisa Aiverine, my niece. And look at her now! She's all grown up and chubby. That's why we call her ChubbyLisa haha! She's so cute with her rosey chicks. The little angel and her cousin Amandine (Willisa's sister) can't wait for her to grow up. But for now, they love to cuddle in bed with her.

~ ChubbyLisa =) ~


Anonymous said...

Oh wow! Very cute. Stumbled onto your blog and just want to say how fast babies grow up!

At my blog I ask people to tell me about their day in seven words or less. Just leave me a comment with your seven words, you can do it anonymously. If you'd rather not, then have a nice day.

Kristine said...

Kakagigil! So adorable!

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