Tuesday, April 29, 2008

First Hair-cut

It's a Friday and we attended my hubby's (cousin) graduation in PICC. It's so nice to see students graduate from their chosen field. It got teary-eyed when I imagined that it was the little angel's college graduation hehehe. I wonder if she's gonna be a nurse like her God Mother Kris (in the picture) or maybe a doctor!

~ Congratulations Kris! ~

We celebrated the occasion and ate lunch at North Park. The food was great. The little angel ate wanton noodles. Thank God she's eating more and more everyday. After that we went to Kris' house to get their bags because they'd go for a swim the next day with the hubby's side of the family together with the little angel. I was not able to join because I was in Zambales for a company outing.

We dropped by at Trinoma for the Little Angel's first hair cut. Yes, all the baby hair was still there waiting to be cut. We went to "Cuts 4 Tots" because they have the first hair cut certificate which I want to hang in her room. She picked the motorcycle chair and stayed there and did not move at all. Thank goodness for that chair.

~ Before they cut her hair. ~

Usually she gets mad when we mentioned that we'll cut her hair. But she's like, well focused on the motor bike and didn't mind what was going on. The hubby didn't like short hair so we decided to have a little trim instead which turn out to be nice.

~ Barbero in action... Little angel deadma. ~

~ New hair do. ~

The hubby even bought her a gold head band to match her new hair do. I think she looks mature with her new hair. And it looks healthier too.

~ Picture taking with McDonald. ~

~ Now we both have the same hair length. ~


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