The first time I told my office mates about Hancock, they laughed. Simple because they thought it was an adult movie tsk! Well anyway, I showed them the trailer and they thought it was good. So me and my girl-friends, watched the movie last Friday. I was excited because I knew it was a good movie, and it turn out I'm right. First, there's Will Smith which I liked because of his acting talent especially in comedy movies. Second, is Charlize Theron. Oh my she's so beautiful. Third is the story. Ordinary man with extra ordinary powers. How I wish I could be like him but of course, having that kind of powers comes with great responsibility. And I don't want to be in the limelight for the rest of my life. That's why I understand why Mary (Charlize Theron) chooses to be with her husband and live a normal life in the movie.

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