tired and sleepy...
Yes.. I am tired and very sleepy. The little angel has fever for 3 days. We managed to take her to the doctor yesterday and we were happy to know that it's not dengue but a sore tonsil. The hubby woke up me after 2 hours of sleep because he needs to go to work. I was with the little angel the whole time. I tried to make her comfortable as possible so she can sleep and rest. She preferred to sleep in my arms the whole time. Sometimes she'll cry and not tell me what's wrong. I hate it when that happens. How I wish I could be the sick one and not her. We were given paracetamol and anti-biotic and believe me, it's so hard to make her drink her meds. Especially when the hubby is not around. I hope she'll get better one of these days or sooner.
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