Sunday, February 22, 2009

Jam & Party

It's my birthday tomorrow!!! But I celebrated with my closest friends yesterday. To start it off... my sister surprised me with my birthday banner. Me and Edward Cullen! LOL! I love it!

~ Happy Birthday to me!!! ~

Band practice with MARRY ME AMY after lunch. This is actually our first practice for this year and we plan to record our song one of these days.

~ Marry Me Amy makin' music. ~

I discovered my sister's friend can actually make customized party hats so I asked her friend to make some for my birthday. These hats will serve has a souvenir for them after the party. My friends were really impressed with the hats. Even I was surprised with the outcome.

~ Super friends with party hats! ~

~ Of course, super friends with party hats and the my birthday banner! ~

Eating time! My mom and I prepared spag, ordered KFC chicken, cooked ham served with bread and vegetable salad. Superfriends ordered a cake from Red Ribbon. Everything was simple. Just the way I liked it.

~ Meal time with my family and closest friends. ~

Drinking session. It was not the same as my 3 previous birthdays were everyone was dead drunk everywhere hahaha! We had a nice chat with Fundador and Red wine on our table and of course more picture taking!

~ Friends come and go, but only the true friends stay... ~

Everyone enjoyed the night especially me. Till next year...


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