Tuesday, October 20, 2009

WORD of the day


A “sniglet” is any word that does not appear in the dictionary, but should. Shown below are but a few.

Expressholes: Expressholes are people who try to sneak more than 8 items into the “8 Items Or Less” checkout lane at the grocery store.

Unfare: This is the 30 pesos you have to pay the cab drivers in Manila before they’ve even taken you anywhere!

Fonfuzzyflop: This is when one of the fuzzy earphone covers on your headset falls off just as you’re putting them over your ears.

Cridons: Cridons are the people you meet up with on your way to the CR, who are also going to the CR.

Slurm: The slime that accumulates at the bottom of a soap bar that’s been left in the dish for too long.

Wondracide: The act of murdering a piece of bread while trying to spread cold butter over it.

Eastroturf: The artificial grass in Easter baskets.

Cabnicreep: This happens when the closing of one kitchen cabinet mysteriously causes another to open.


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