Tuesday, August 31, 2010

WORD of the day

bathos \BEY-thos\ , noun;
1. Triteness or triviality in style.
2. A ludicrous descent from the exalted or lofty to the commonplace; anticlimax.
3. Insincere pathos; sentimentality; mawkishness.

Saturday, August 28, 2010


There's so many things in my mind right now--work, house and my family. Well, basically a parent would do anything for his/her family right? And sometimes, it's already frustrating. Or maybe I need to unwind to get my head off from all this stress in life. I'm also checking on term life insurance for the family. It might take a little stress out my mind knowing they are secured. It's better to be safe, now that we're living in a fast-paced environment. You'll never know right. Arghh.. I need a day in the spa big time!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Our Penthouse

I'm still not finished decorating our penthouse, but basic furniture are now complete. But what I'm concerned about is the kitchen. We really need to attach the cabinet to wall because some of the kitchen wares are still on the floor. Food and snack are stock-up in the corner and it's not pleasing to see. Bathroom is okay. Soap and shampoo holders needs to be put up too and not to mention, we need Robern Medicine cabinet there. I think we need to sort out the kitchen first because we plan to have a house blessing on the 25th of September and guest will come our penthouse. I hope we can sort everything out before the event.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

MarryMeAMY @ MoonFlower bar!

MarryMeAMY @ MoonFlower bar (Timog QC) this Saturday - Aug. 28, 2010, 10PM. See yah there!

New profile pic

It's obvious that I changes my profile picture. To be honest, I don't know how to edit or make a logo for this site. Hopefully that picture will stay for a couple of months. Anyway, I love my hair, outfit and make-up c/o of my sister Gelai. I wish I can do it on my own though, especially the make-up (Natural look). I have a feeling I need to learn to do it on my own hahaha...

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Cigars on us

I remember when I used to be a chain smoker. It's like I can't live with a pack full of cigar on my pocket. I would finish 2 sticks on my 15-minute break time and 5 sticks or more during my lunch time. I remembered I wanted to try Backwoods cigars because I heard it's distinct flavor. But I was not sure if I can finish a piece because they say it's huge. So what we did, four of my friends shared one stick during inuman session hahaha. What an experience that was. And yeah, those were the days. Cigars on us!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

WORD of the day

fathom\FATH-uhm\ , verb;

1. To penetrate to the truth of; comprehend; understand.
2. To measure the depth of water by means of a sounding line; sound.

1. A unit of length equal to six feet (1.8 meters): used chiefly in nautical measurements.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

MarryMeAMY @ the Metro Comic-con

It's so nice to play music with there guys. They are my stress reliever. Catch more of MarryMeAMY. Thanks to all who came and watched yesterday. =) See more pictures *here*

Saturday, August 21, 2010

MarryMeAMY @ the Metro Comic-con later!

MarryMeAMY @ the Metro Comic-con later! See yah there!

Friday, August 20, 2010


I'm always impressed those action movies with high-tech gadgets and I never imagine that some of them are in production and is being used right now on some countries. Who would think high tech gadget beyond our imagination would exist right. I was first fascinated with the radar detector that they featured with one of the movies I watched few years back. Now flying skateboards and tele porters are in the movies. I wonder if we already have them in real life hahaha. Maybe? You'll never know right?!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Band practice @ 8AM!

Yes, you've read it right... we'll have Band practice @ 8AM later! It's the only available time that we have and we would like to take that chance because we really, i mean really need to jam. The new guitarist is coping really nice and we just wanna make sure the gig this Saturday will be smooth. We've waited for this event for 2 months already and I don't want to screw up because it's one of the biggest event that we're going to attend. So wish us luck! And hopefully it'll turn-out okay. More gigs to come!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

WORD of the day


1 a : to strive to equal or excel b : imitate
2 : to equal or approach equality with

Example sentence: Agents will often try to emulate their team managers, in the hope of becoming managers themselves one day.

Did you know?

If imitation really is the sincerest form of flattery, then past speakers of English clearly had a great admiration for the Latin language. The verb "emulate" joined the ranks of Latin-derived English terms in 1582. Two related adjectives -- "emulate" and "emulous" -- appeared around the same time as the verb "emulate." Both mean "striving to emulate" or sometimes "jealous," but "emulous" is rare these days, and the adjective "emulate" is obsolete.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday Gelai!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

House Partee

We're going to have a house partee later this evening at my parent's house because it's my sister G's birthday. She invited her friends over and me too, invited a handful of friends that she knows. We'll have band practice this afternoon first and on with the party. I'm looking forward to this event because it's been awhile since we hosted a party and band practice is a-must because of the up-coming gig next week. But before that, I'll accompany my sister at the grocery store buy some booze! Parteee!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

WORD of the day

alacrity/uh-LAK-ruh-tee/; noun

: Promptness in response; cheerful readiness

Example Sentences: “Don’t worry, ma’am,” the agent reassured, “we’re going to take care of this problem with alacrity.”

Joe opened the door with alacrity, thinking he would see his girlfriend. Instead, it was his girlfriend’s ex-boyfriend. From there, things went from bad to worse.

Synonyms: avidity, eagerness, enthusiasm, fervor, gaiety, speed, zeal.

Monday, August 09, 2010

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday Williane Amandine!

Wednesday, August 04, 2010


My sister G got a part time job at my sister A's building. I'm planning to go their building because I heard it's really pretty. I can't wait to go there and check what my sister A's been doing for past few months. Sister G also told me that they bought another car--a pick-up truck actually. Wow! I wonder what their garage looks like right now with those new cars grrr. I wonder if they also got those cheap auto insurance quotes on the internet. That I'm going to ask because we plan insurace for our car as well. But for the mean time, we plan to visit them this weeekend. Looking forward to it.

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Word FaQ

In April of 1985, the Coca-Cola Company made a mistake. Not a little mistake, mind you, but a big one. Company officials have been honest about the blunder all along, but even to this day the entire fiasco remains a source of embarrassment for the soft drink giant.

The early 1980s found Coca-Cola very close to falling behind in the soda war to Pepsi. Pepsi was, in fact, ahead in supermarket sales. Coke’s wider availability in fast food restaurants and vending machines was the only thing keeping it ahead in overall sales. Coke’s own new product at the time, Diet Coke, was also cutting into the market of regular Coke considerably. Something had to be done, and quickly, in order for the Real Thing to keep its edge.

Enter New Coke. Coca-Cola played around with the flavor of their own product for about a year, adding a pinch of this and a dash of that, taking away a little bit here and a little bit there. In the end, they felt they had a winner. In fact, during taste tests held before the product’s release, the vast majority of people preferred the taste of the new formula over Coke and Pepsi. Way to go, guys!

…Or not.

Once Coke finally released its new formula soft drink, along with the tag line The Best Just Got Better, they decided to actually cancel production of the old, tried and true formula for Coke. And oh, how the public screamed blasphemy. It seemed the no one could accept the fact that the old Coke was gone, not after one hundred years of being a part of American lives. No way, no how. And sales of New Coke went nowhere.

On July 11th of that very same year, Coke bowed to the pressure put on by its loyal fans, and began producing the old formula again, under the name Classic Coke. President and Chief Operating Officer of Coca-Cola Donald Keough was quoted as saying: “The passion for original Coca-Cola—and that is the word for it, passion—was something that caught us by surprise… It is a wonderful American mystery, a lovely American enigma, and you cannot measure it any more than you can measure love, pride, or patriotism.”

The company’s rebound from this disaster was borderline miraculous. But then again, you never know what you have until it’s gone. No longer taken for granted, Coca-Cola eventually became reaffirmed in America’s affections. Donald Keough was later quoted as saying: “Some critics will say Coca-Cola made a marketing mistake. Some cynics will say that we planned the whole thing. The truth is we are not that dumb, and we are not that smart.”

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