Saturday, May 28, 2016


I had this dream that I was going to this band practice with my former band mates. In my dream, I was doing that familiar routine--preparing my gear, checking what to wear, thinking on what to talk about like the Code 412 cabinet amp that I was checking online, suggesting what to eat afterwards....all that good stuff. I woke up having that familiar excitement and adrenaline that I miss this past year. Yup! It's been more than a year since I held a guitar and played an instrument and miss it. Literally, I miss playing. I know I wanna to go back at least to that hobby because I wanna team up with my eldest daughter whose slowly molding into a potential singer someday. I don't when exactly when but definitely not in a few months. But I will. We will. So stay tuned.


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Cory G
Famous Smoke Shop

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