Monday, April 27, 2009

Catching up

There's a seven-day gap before the previous post and the one before this entry. Yes, I've been totally ignoring my sites last week. My ideas went away plus I've been busy with lots of things too. Then little angel's workshop and school familiarization school starts today (later). It's a one week activity and I hope she'll like it there because she's going to school there in June. Anyway, I have no problems with our house help (Thank God), except she's going back to the province on May 15, but that can be arranged. It least we know ahead of time. I'm just concern with my new schedule in May. I really hate the mid shift plus Thurs/Fri RDs. This means less time for band practice plus I'm not home during the weekends. So if there's a family activity during the weekends, I have to file a leave. I hope this will only be for the month of MAY.

Anyway, we have a visitor this coming weekend. My MIL's brother and his wife will be staying with us for four days. The FIL already bought an A/C for the guest room. Then I have to move some stuff out of there too tsk tsk. Barangay fiesta is also coming so that means more relatives and visitors this coming weekend. Oh no! It's going to be pretty crowded here in the house.

Feeling frustrated: Why? I need a beach vacation!


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