Friday, February 08, 2008

I lost my friend

Have you ever lost a most valuable thing in the whole world? What did you feel about it? Yesterday, I did and it was the worst day of my life. I never felt so sad in my whole life. I cant eat, I cant sleep and I cant think straight. If only I could turn back time, I would. I felt irresponsible and stupid. All I can do now is imagine and savor that special moments I had with it. You can say that I'm emotional--yes I am. You can say that I'm a cry baby--yes I am. Because I consider that *thing* that I lost yesterday, a very special friend. *Very valuable to me*. My papa said, to let it go. It has a purpose why it's gone. But I still cant help but cry. I'm really really lost for words whenever I think about it. Do you what it is? I'll post it soon when I have the courage to look at it again. But now, I'm still grieving. I lost my very special friend.


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